“The Science Delusion” is a thought-provoking book written by Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, a British biologist and author. In this groundbreaking work, Sheldrake challenges the prevailing assumptions and dogmas of modern science while advocating for a more open and expansive approach...
Category - Science of Consciousness
The science of consciousness is a multidisciplinary field focused on understanding the nature, origins, and mechanisms of consciousness. Researchers explore questions such as: What is consciousness? How does it arise from the brain? And what role does it play in our subjective experience? The field encompasses neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, and cognitive science. Scientists employ various methodologies, including brain imaging techniques, studies of altered states of consciousness, and theoretical frameworks to unravel the enigma of consciousness. This evolving field aims to shed light on one of the most profound aspects of human existence, offering insights into perception, self-awareness, and the nature of reality itself.
Dr. Joe Dispenza is a prominent figure in the field of personal development and the author of several books, including “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself”...
The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles
“The Biology of Belief” by Dr. Bruce Lipton is a groundbreaking book that explores the fascinating intersection between biology, consciousness, and the power...